Images of Podesta Art and Where They Came From

Colour us impressed by your sharply tinted art in these trying times.

The Washington Mail recently asked readers to share artwork that they take been creating during the pandemic, and received more than 650 submissions.

Art came from virtually (Washington and its surrounding states) and far (Germany and England, with a nod to Guatemala). The entrants spanned from tweens to artists in their 90s. And the selection of media included oil and acrylic, flowers, cinder blocks, a dryer canvass and hot glue.

The Mail considered not just the quality and creativity of the art, just also the fascinating accompanying backstories. Enduring quarantines, some artists rendered what isolation and loneliness felt like, while others depicted longed-for social scenes from a pre-pandemic time.

Politics sometimes came into play — with ane entrant cleverly adapting a stimulus check — and masks were a frequent feature. Some representational works transported usa to a specific identify, and some abstract works conveyed a distinct mood or state of mind. Some historic life, and some reflected a darkness or meditation on death.

Hither are The Post's favorites:

(Annotation: The artists' words accept been edited for length and clarity.)

"Social Distancing in The Mission" by Jennifer M. Potter, 45, San Francisco: "I drew this after picking up groceries one solar day. As I walked around the neighborhood, I was heartened to see how people and pocket-size businesses were adapting. Even though we can't socialize in the usual mode, seeing everyone make an effort strengthens the sense of customs I experience, and I wanted to share that feeling with others." (Jennifer G. Potter)

"Social Distancing in the Mission"

Jennifer 1000. Potter, 45, San Francisco

Created using the iProcreate app on an iPad

"I drew this after picking upwardly groceries ane day. Equally I walked around the neighborhood, I was heartened to run across how people and small businesses were adapting. Fifty-fifty though we can't socialize in the usual way, seeing everyone make an effort strengthens the sense of customs I feel, and I wanted to share that feeling with others."

"Distancing Bench" by Kimberly A. Kelzer, 62, Freeland. "I used to make piece of furniture and was thinking most how nosotros now take to continue our distance, even to socialize - what if you had a bench that made you sit 6' apart? I had some old beams in my yard, cleaved tape measure and the cinder blocks- didn't even need to leave domicile to build it! Information technology is: xviii"h x 108"L x thirteen"deep. Made of dyed black Fir. Information technology besides will permit you to sit closer once this has passed. I put information technology at the cease of my drive way by the sidewalk where a lot of walkers and dogs pass everyday- I wanted to communicate with passersby that we can take care of each other by keeping our distance right now, merely still sit down, admire the view, conversation even and keep 6" autonomously."

"Distancing Bench"

Kimberly A. Kelzer, 62, Freeland, Wash.

Dyed black fir wood, record measure, cinder blocks

"I used to make furniture and was thinking virtually how nosotros now have to go along our distance, even to socialize — what if you lot had a demote that made you sit half-dozen feet autonomously? I put it at the end of my driveway. I wanted to communicate with passersby that nosotros can have care of each other by keeping our distance right now, just still sit, admire the view and chat, even."

"Peaceful lord Buddha" past Gladsona Somalal, 37, Fulsom: "I started painting Buddha during lockdown period in guild to cope with tension due to pandemic episode. Painting this abstruse of Buddha helped me calm down every bit I was feeling as if serenity was flowing to me from him. I promise our world be filled with peace and well-existence soon." (Gladsona Somalal)

"Peaceful Lord Buddha"

Gladsona Somalal, 37, Folsom, Calif.

Canvass and acrylic paint

"I started painting during [the] lockdown catamenia to cope with tension due to [the] pandemic. Painting this abstruse of Buddha helped me calm down, every bit I was feeling as if repose was flowing to me from him. I hope our earth [volition] be filled with peace and well-being shortly."

"Creek" by Landry Dunand, 39, Takoma Park, Md.: "I used my old big-format camera, purchased many years ago in Thailand. Before the pandemic, I decided to revive it to shoot portraits. But with social distancing, I started shooting Landscape, which I never did before, just I found a sense of peace and satisfaction in shooting long exposure Landscape, taking an hour of setup, preparation, pouring plates, developing for each photograph. Sligo Creek is merely down the hill from my house. It inspired the setting of the book "Bridge to Terabithia." It is something of a magical place. I go in that location every day to run, walk or take photos and await at the nature changing constantly."


Landry Dunand, 39, Takoma Park, Md.

8-by-ten-inch tintype, wet plate collodion

"I used my old large-format camera, purchased many years ago in Thailand. With social distancing, I found a sense of peace and satisfaction in shooting long-exposure mural. I shot Sligo Creek just down the hill from my house. [It inspired the setting of the book "The Bridge to Terabithia."] It is something of a magical place — I go there every day to run, walk or have photos and wait at the nature changing constantly."

"Md" by Lisa Goren, 60, Hyde Park: "A friend of mine is a doctor (and an creative person) and at the get-go of the pandemic, she posted a photo of her looking and then beaten up. I did this mixed media with used dryer sheets for the mask considering I didn't want to employ annihilation that could actually make a mask. Since then, I've done near 10 others based on photos of health care workers injured/hobbling by their masks. Most of the others are not black and white."


Lisa Goren, 60, Hyde Park, Mass.

Watercolor, charcoal, dryer sheet

"A friend of mine is a doctor and an artist, and at the beginning of the pandemic, she posted a photograph of her looking then browbeaten upwardly. I used dryer sheets for the mask because I didn't want to use anything that could actually brand a mask. Since so, I've done nearly 10 others based on photos of health-care workers injured or bruised by their masks."

"El Cadejo" by Mayra Schäfer, 67, Bad Reichenhall, Federal republic of germany: "Being in lock down because of the coronavirus is an feel unlike anything I've lived through before. It is numbing, frightening, frustrating. It makes me feel vulnerable and powerless. I was planning to travel to my dwelling country, Guatemala, at the end of March. But then the frontiers of the country, like that of many others effectually the globe, were closed down. At first I was like paralyzed. I could just watch the news or read newspapers online, every bit if waiting for it all to be gone from one day to the other. I have lived virtually of my life away from my abode country, visiting once a year. The fact that I cannot get in that location at present nor I know when I'll exist able to has ignited in me a kind of homesickness I did non know before. I just finished this painting. Information technology is my interpretation of a scary, yet protective effigy of the Guatemalan folklore (El Cadejo is a black dog with burning optics that takes care of drunkards who have fallen asleep lying on the street). It was my way of "traveling" to Guatemala while being unable to practice and so. Looking at information technology now, it feels like an anchor." (Mayra Schäfer)

"El Cadejo"

Mayra Fernandez, 67, Bad Reichenhall, Germany.

Acrylic on canvas

"Beingness in lockdown because of the coronavirus is numbing, frightening, frustrating. It makes me feel vulnerable and powerless. I was planning to travel to my home country, Guatemala, at the end of March just then [borders were] airtight. [This has] ignited a kind of homesickness I did not know earlier. This painting is my interpretation of a scary, yet protective effigy of the Guatemalan folklore — 'el cadejo' is a black dog with burning eyes that takes care of drunkards who take fallen asleep lying on the street. Information technology was my fashion of 'traveling' to Guatemala while existence unable to exercise and so. Looking at information technology now, information technology feels like an anchor."

"L'eau de Bleach" by Bambi Ramsey, 45, Redding, Calif.: "I did this quick sketch subsequently a couple of weeks of shelter from home. (Well before the suggestion to inject bleach, don't do information technology!). My husband is an essential worker so abiding sanitizing of surfaces had left my skin and apparel scented with Clorox water, the family teasing that information technology was my new perfume."

"L'eau de Bleach"

Bambi Ramsey, 45, Redding, Calif.

Digital (Procreate app)

"I did this quick sketch after a couple of weeks of shelter from abode. My married man is an essential worker, so constant sanitizing of surfaces left my skin and clothes scented with Clorox water — family [teased] that it was my new perfume."

"Group Portrait" by Jacqueline Kudo, 50, New York City: "A group portrait-which one is the most important? If each ane of us is calorie-free in the dark, isn't it wonderful to encounter the other lights around usa? Information technology's as mysterious as seeing the stars of the cosmos in the dark of nighttime. This is the last painting of a long 24-hour interval of paintings started on location. These canvases were started equally the first coronavirus cases began to announced in the land. I knew this day would exist the last day I could paint outside for a long fourth dimension. Coincidentally, that day was the supermoon and as well a holy solar day on some religious calendars. It was amazing to come across the supermoon setting in the morning. The thrilling moment is a good instance of why so many painters dear to paint on site. The paintings from this day are part of a series of views of lower Manhattan from beyond the East River and beyond the Hudson River. The paintings become mirror images of this view of the city, and each canvas is an investigation into reflection because of the h2o. This location is an area that is close to where I met an important instructor to me, and also an area that is relatively quiet and peaceful (despite the BQE). Considering it was a special solar day, I worked on these paintings saying prayers and mantras and wishing for the best for the city. It all continues as I am finishing these paintings in lockdown."

"Group Portrait (work in progress)"

Jacqueline Kudo, 50, Brooklyn

Oil on canvas

"If each 1 of us is lite in the dark, isn't it wonderful to see the other lights around the states? This is the last painting of a long solar day of paintings started on location [a series of views of Lower Manhattan from across the E River and beyond the Hudson River]. These canvases were started as the kickoff coronavirus cases began to appear in the state. I knew this mean solar day would exist the last mean solar day I could paint outside for a long time. Coincidentally, that day was the supermoon and as well a holy day on some religious calendars. Because it was a special day, I worked on these paintings proverb prayers and mantras and wishing for the best for the city. It all continues equally I am finishing these paintings in lockdown."

"Mask Series #iii: Stimulus Check" by Jennifer Markowitz, 52, Raleigh, N.C.: "I'm a textile/fiber artist and have been trying to notice the right artistic response to this crunch. I sew everything by hand then didn't remember masks I make should be wearable. And then I'm working on a series of them every bit objects, each revealing a certain truth well-nigh our current times."

"Mask Series #3: 'Stimulus Check' "

Jennifer Markowitz, 52, Raleigh, N.C.

Hand-embroidered on silk

"I'thou a material and fiber artist and have been trying to find the correct creative response to this crunch. I sew everything past hand, so I didn't recall masks I brand should be wearable. So I'm working on a series of them as objects, each revealing a certain truth about our times."

"Endurance" past Jammie Holmes, 36, Dallas: "This painting is about endurance. Almost similar no affair what you will become through in life sometimes beautiful things can come from it. Y'all can meet a cement flower pot with a dark-green constitute growing from it symbolizing growth from rough conditions. You can see the expressions of the faces of me and my brother that's looking worn just yet still maintaining to practise what's normal to us. This painting is a symbol for my whole family. I like to testify the inside and exterior of and habitation or any type of setting. Two black men and a soft color wall paper background making things seem less intimidating. Sometimes I feel as a blackness man we take to ever exist on baby-sit. E'er fix to fight and survive." (Jammie Holmes)


Jammie Holmes, 36, Dallas

Acrylic and oil pastels on canvas

"This painting is about endurance. Like no matter what you will become through in life, sometimes beautiful things can come up from information technology. Y'all tin can encounter a cement flower pot with a greenish plant growing from information technology, symbolizing growth from rough conditions. You can meet the expressions of the faces of me and my blood brother — looking worn but yet still maintaining what'southward normal to us. This painting is a symbol for my whole family. I like to show the inside and exterior. Two black men and a soft color wallpaper background [make] things seem less intimidating. Sometimes I feel as a black man, we have to always be on guard — ever fix to fight and survive."

"A serenity place" past Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida, 39, London: "My artwork "A quiet identify" collage is inspired and created during the lockdown in London. This is me, my child, make a photo of me on the window when it was not possible to get out and basically this was our hope and connection with the word, nature, surroundings. Afterwards that, I was really inspired to make my vision of this lovely photo. I'thousand a visual artist and mum and it's really of import to express my self, my feelings. A placidity place is a collage on sail. I cutting different textured paper and composed later on that."

"A Tranquility Identify"

Silviya Georgieva-Sellvida, 39, London

Textured paper; collage on canvas

"My collage is inspired past, and created during, the lockdown in London. This is me. My kid [made] a photo of me in the window when it was not possible to go out, and basically this was our hope and connection with the world, nature, surroundings. Later that, I was inspired to make my vision of this lovely photo. I'm a visual creative person and a mum, and [it is] really important to express my feelings."

"Hold Me" by Cheryl Fifty. Zemke, 56, Riverview: "Considering life with Covid-xix and the hereafter wearing masks and gloves when exposed to others led me to consider the restrictions they had a intimacy and our innate need for personal contact with others."

"Hold Me"

Cheryl Fifty. Zemke, 56, Riverview, Mich.


"Considering life with covid-19 and the future [of] wearing masks and gloves when exposed to others led me to consider the restrictions. [I'm thinking of] an intimacy and our innate demand for personal contact with others."

"A earth United" past Vasu Tolia, 69, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.: "Medicine has e'er been my commencement passion and during these unprecedented, tumultuous times, it beckons me again as I lookout man helplessly from the sidelines now. Since my retirement as a physician, I've poured my creativity into fine art and poetry. So creating this kind of response came naturally to me."

"A World United"

Vasu Tolia, 69, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Mixed media on canvas

"Medicine has e'er been my get-go passion. And during these unprecedented, tumultuous times, it beckons me once more as I lookout man helplessly from the sidelines now. Since my retirement as a physician, I've poured my creativity into art and poesy, and so creating this kind of response came naturally to me."

"Moody Little Guy" by Elizabeth Lana, 52, Pittsburgh: "I love to pigment large. In the time of corona, I accept a small home studio. Watching the long lines at the food banking company, I wanted to help. I created an substitution [and donate the proceeds] to the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank. Buyers make a directly donation and send me a screen shot of a receipt. All sales have been local, and they pick the paintings up off my porch."

"Moody Little Guy"

Elizabeth Lana, 52, Pittsburgh

Acrylic on wood console

"I beloved to paint large. In the time of corona, I accept a minor domicile studio. Watching the long lines at the food bank, I wanted to help. I created an commutation [and donate the gain] to the Greater Pittsburgh Nutrient Bank. Buyers make a directly donation and ship me a screen shot of a receipt. All sales have been local, and they option the paintings upwardly off my porch."

"Reviveresco tropicae (Resurge)" by Zuania Muñiz Meléndez, 34, San Juan, Puerto Rico: "Artist Statement: What I one time was, ceased to be. The abrupt changes I take experienced since the end of 2017 caused by Hurricane María and the recent pandemic accept destroyed my stability, my way of doing things and the way I relate to others. It is as if life has plowed my land and sown salt in the furrows. But from that aforementioned salt that sterilized me, that destroyed me, is where a new me arises. I never seen before, imagined, dreamed. Just possible from the anarchy and scarcity that drive me to innovate and grow. I am not the only ane, I am accompanied by thousands of people who are reborn in a totally unexpected manner. Nosotros are new flowers that emerge with more strength, ready to face up the new challenges that lie ahead. How did I created: I collected flowers from my grand and neighborhood. I selected the parts of the ones that I wanted to use to create the new blossom. I used hot glue to become it together. I used a wire or a stick to concur it in place with the aid of my husband at the moment of taking the photograph. The salt at the lesser was created using a plastic bowl which was "painted" with white mucilage to adhere the salt, then it was filled with more common salt creating the common salt sculpture. Why did I created: I created to save my self from all that has happened to my cocky since 2017. We, Puerto Ricans, have suffered a lot since 2017. After the two hurricanes I lost my stable task and got depressed. A lot of people got emotionally sick with the earthquakes and now the pandemic. The new virus took my plans and my dream away. I was getting anxious and started meditating about my life. I challenge my self again to become stronger. That'due south where the idea came. I enjoyed the process. It kept me occupied and pushed out the negative thoughts with positive ones. What does it means to me: This projection means a lot to me. It was created from the moment I decided to learn from this experience and think that since the offset of the earth anarchy has played an important role in creating new and amazing things. Destruction is part of life, it takes out what we used to know creating doubt and pain but at the cease the result is even better. That is the history of the world. THIS IS THE TIME FOR NEW FLOWERS TO EMERGE FROM Salt."

" Reviveresco tropicae (Resurge) "

Zuania Muñiz Meléndez, 34, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Flowers, wire, hot and white gum, cardboard, plastic bowl and salt.

"The abrupt changes I have experienced since the end of 2017, acquired by Hurricane María and the contempo pandemic, have destroyed my stability — my style of doing things and the way I relate to others. It is as if life has plowed my state and sown table salt in the furrows. But from that same common salt that sterilized me, that destroyed me, is where a new me arises. 1 never seen earlier, imagined, dreamed — only possible from the chaos and scarcity that drives me to innovate and abound. We are new flowers that emerge with more than strength, ready to face the new challenges that lie ahead."

"Into The Void" by Dina D'Argo, 56, Springfield, Tenn.: "Into The Void symbolizes stepping into the unknown; the idea of life "subsequently the pandemic" and the insecurity of non knowing what lies ahead. The veil symbolizes not only the unwillingness to accept reality, just also our cultural preoccupation with covering or uncovering one's face, and what it represents or says about who nosotros are as a guild. In a greater sense, this image is about the space between mortality and a spiritual state. Information technology explores the idea of the afterlife; how trivial we know nearly it despite how much we theorize and ponder it, and how unprepared nosotros are to confront it. I created this slice to soothe my own restless mind; to prepare myself for the possibility that during this pandemic, I may lose a loved i or lose my own life. And to remind myself that life is fluid and ever-changing, and it is okay non to know what lies alee."

"Into the Void"

Dina D'Argo, 56, Springfield, Tenn.

Acrylic on canvas

" 'Into the Void' symbolizes stepping into the unknown — the idea of life 'afterwards the pandemic' and the insecurity of not knowing what lies ahead. The veil symbolizes not only the unwillingness to accept reality, but too our cultural preoccupation with roofing or uncovering one's face up, and what it represents or says about who nosotros are as a society. In a greater sense, this image is about the space between mortality and a spiritual state. I created this piece to sooth my ain restless heed — to fix myself for the possibility that during this pandemic, I may lose a loved one or lose my ain life. And to remind myself that life is fluid and ever-changing, and it is okay non to know what lies ahead."

"Covid-nineteen-Trash-Campbell'southward" by Mary L. Aro, 90, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.: "I was inspired to pigment trash when a nurse at Henry Ford Infirmary in Detroit liked 1 of my paintings of a crushed beer tin can. I gave her the painting. I painted some other can and that led me to start more paintings of trash. My family unit and friends started to bring me pieces of trash constitute on their Covid walks in Detroit, Grosse Pointe, and along the river. They were excited to find other things and bring them to me. I don't go outside so they drib off the trash in my garage where I go out them for a few days earlier bringing them inside. I lay them out on the floor and choose which ones to pigment. I've made nigh 20 of these paintings and then far. The trash has very interesting abstract shapes. It'south a claiming to paint them. At ninety, I take a hard time with a shaky mitt. I love the beautiful colors, the creased and wrinkled, dirty parts. The cans are luminous and shimmery. I recall information technology's nice that my paintings involve other people--kind of a collaborate effort. Friends and family unit contribute and are excited to find these objects and it gives them some satisfaction in helping to create the art. It may help people to understand that beauty tin can exist found anywhere." (Mary L. Aro)

"Covid-19 Trash Campbell's"

Mary 50. Aro, xc, Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.

Watercolor, graphite, colored pencil on paper

"I was inspired to paint trash when a nurse at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit liked one of my paintings of a crushed beer can. I gave her the painting. My family and friends started to bring me pieces of trash found on their covid walks. I don't go exterior, so they drop off the trash in my garage. The trash has very interesting abstract shapes. It's a challenge to pigment them. At 90, I take a hard fourth dimension with a shaky hand. I love the beautiful colors, the creased and wrinkled, muddy parts. The cans are luminous and shimmery. I think it'south nice that my paintings involve other people — kind of a collaborative try."

"Covid-nineteen Diary Excerpt" by Natalie Dupille, 28, Seattle: "I am a cartoonist and illustrator and have been creating semiregular illustrated diary pages both for myself and my customs. Information technology's been helpful to process and admit the wide range of emotions that comes from such an absurd situation - the silliness of partners/roommates, the uncertainty and fear, and the day-to-day moments."

"Covid-nineteen Diary Excerpt"

Natalie Dupille, 28, Seattle

Watercolor and ink on newspaper

"I take been creating semiregular illustrated diary pages both for myself and my customs. It's been helpful to process and admit the wide range of emotions that comes from such an absurd situation — the silliness of partners/roommates, the incertitude and fear, and the day-to-day moments."

"Ode To Helen Rosner'southward Roast Chicken" by Agnes Barton-Sabo, 39, Corvallis, Ore.: "I've been having a hard time feeling creative in the usual ways I work, so as I cook from what'due south bachelor in my pantry, I'm challenging myself to think of fine art projects to do with materials I already have effectually the house, like a few years' worth of The New Yorker. Start I made a paper wig. So I dialed information technology upwardly a notch and I created a papier-mâché chapeau every bit an ode to New Yorker food writer Helen Rosner and her infamous viral postal service near drying chicken peel with a pilus dryer before roasting. In an additional nod to Ms. Rosner'due south Beard Award-winning essay about chicken tenders, I made a "wig reveal" video, lifting upwards the hat to shower myself with papier-mâché chicken tenders. My quarantine crafting (and cooking!) fashion is over-the-elevation ridiculous, annihilation to make myself and friends on the internet involuntarily swear or snort express joy. I call back any uplifting and joyful moments are and then of import right now, (and e'er), to aid annul the corporeality of negativity and stressful information we are constantly bombarded with. Some days I have to refine my To Do Listing to ane item: Don't Get Sucked In To Despair. Making anything with my hands helps me feel like I tin can keep going, and also gives me something to focus on as well worrying, reading too much news, or falling into a social media ringlet hole. Afterwards this outrageous hat I'm feeling pretty obsessed with papier-mâché again and so I'm going to construct a fantasy dinner political party since I tin't have a real one correct now."

"Ode to Helen Rosner'south Roast Craven"

Agnes Barton-Sabo, 39, Corvallis, Ore.

Flour, h2o, masking record, two issues of the New Yorker, acrylic paint

"Equally I cook from what'southward available in my pantry, I'thousand challenging myself to recollect of art projects to do with materials I already have effectually the firm — like a few years' worth of the New Yorker. Kickoff I fabricated a paper wig. And so I dialed information technology up a notch and I created a papier-mâché hat as an ode to New Yorker food writer Helen Rosner and her infamous viral post nigh drying craven skin with a pilus dryer before roasting. In an additional nod to Ms. Rosner'southward Beard Honour-winning essay almost chicken tenders, I fabricated a 'wig reveal' video, lifting upwards the hat to shower myself with papier-mâché craven tenders. My quarantine crafting and cooking style is over-the-top ridiculous. I think whatsoever uplifting and blithesome moments are so important right now to aid counteract the corporeality of negativity and stressful information we are constantly bombarded with."

"Corona Rises" by Tomás Serrano, 59, Lexington, Ky.: "I'one thousand the cartoonist of an online newspaper in Spain, just I'm living in Kentucky. I saw the alarming news of the Covid cases increase in New York, and tried to capture the feeling in a drawing of everyday's dawn transforming the Sun into a virus that invades the streets."

"Corona Rises"

Tomás Serrano, 59, Lexington, Ky.

Digital subsequently pencil and ink

"I'thousand the cartoonist of an online newspaper in Kingdom of spain, merely I'one thousand living in Kentucky. I saw the alarming news of the covid cases increment in New York, and tried to capture the feeling in a drawing of every 24-hour interval's dawn transforming the sun into a virus that invades the streets."

The honorable mentions

"Shadows of the Night" by Bud Wilkinson

"Hanging On" past Peggy Wilson

"The Haves and Have Nots" by Pam Gregory

"The Deep Season" by Hall Jameson

"Trump fiddles" by Graeme MacKay

"The Virus Within" by Rebecca Miller

"Personal Evolution" by Elizabeth Lukas

"Jail" by Kathleen Hallahan Zeifang

"Inviting Hope to Stay (An Homage to Maya Angelou)" by Susan Lasker Dankoff

"Carolyn Gavin Covid sketchbook series" past Carolyn Gavin

"Imaginary Friend (self-portrait)" by Jean-Paul Aboudib

"Battling the Enemy" by Peggy Jo Steer

"Isolation" by Gordon Skalleberg

"Cv19 Apron" by Susan Kricorian

"Isolate" by Leni Newell

"Cali Love" by Susana Sanchez-Young

"My muse" by Abdul-Rahim Brown

"Guernica 2020" by Tony Aguero

"Familia Cardoza" by Brian Gonzales

"Ramona" by Carol Gellner Levin

"The Rainbow Subsequently the Storm" by Dominick Cardella

"Hope-xix" past Gordana Gerskovic

"Set!" by Arwa Nasir

"The Dreamer" by Abi Salami

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Copy edited past Doug Norwood. Design by Beth Broadwater.


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