Can Your 50 s Body Look Youthful Again

You'll go into your 50s with more brain office than you had when yous were 25. While it may dip a little around historic period 55, don't dwell on that. Some experts believe that thinking you'll mentally slow down as y'all age may make information technology so. 1 way to help preserve your brain power (and retentiveness) is to follow a Mediterranean nutrition that's rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive and canola oils.

Virtually 95% of people who are 50 or older say they're "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with their lives. But in women, the hormone shift of menopause can cause changes in mood. And illness and heavy alcohol use can make you more likely to be depressed. A simple strategy to heave your mood: Sit less and move more. Your chances of mental health issues are higher if you sit more than 7 hours a day or don't practice.

This tin be slower to get after viruses and other outside threats. It'due south likewise more likely to attack itself by accident. And your torso no longer makes every bit many "fighter" cells to destroy infections as it used to. Because of all this, you're more than likely to get ill with the flu, pneumonia, or tetanus, so make certain you're up to date on your vaccines.

Upward to 40% of people over the age of 50 accept some hearing loss. Aside from natural aging, your genes can play a office, and some wellness issues -- like high claret pressure, middle problems, and diabetes -- tin affect your hearing over time. If yous have concerns, enquire your doctor about a hearing examination. People who don't hear well are more than likely to cut themselves off from loved ones and exist depressed.

When you lot're younger, your body swaps out worn-down bone cells with new, strong ones. By the fourth dimension you're in your 50s, you lot take more broken-down os cells than tin can exist replaced. This means your basic naturally get weaker. To protect them, swallow foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D. Weight-bearing and resistance exercises like hiking and lifting weights can also help your bones stay strong.

After you plough 50, you get-go to lose muscle at a faster rate. Your concrete strength can go weaker, too. The best style to stop this slide is to lift weights or practise strength training exercises similar lunges and squats 2 to 3 times a week. Not merely will you build more lean muscle mass, but you'll also improve your sense of residue, which will come up in handy as you go older.

The tissue and cartilage that cushion your joints begin to thin over time, and you'll feel the effects of this in your 50s. (Men may notice it sooner.)  To stave off joint pain and arthritis, showtime with your posture. When you slouch, you put force per unit area on your joints. And continue an middle on your weight, since extra pounds tin can put pressure on your joints. Also, drink lots of h2o. When y'all're thirsty, your body pulls fluid from joint tissue.

Once you hit your 50s, your chances of a center attack become upwards. Exercise tin help keep your centre and blood vessels healthy -- aim for at least 30 minutes of activity most days. (Even short walks count.) Try to keep your weight and blood pressure inside a normal range, too, and if you haven't stopped smoking, now'due south the perfect time. Cigarette smoke is a major cause of heart disease.

Around the time you turn l, your hair can kickoff to thin and recede, peculiarly for men. It probably volition also exist turning gray, depending on your ethnic grouping and your family unit history. It'southward mutual to feel self-conscious about how "old" your hair looks, just you lot can color information technology. You also might talk with your doctor virtually medicines or pilus transplant surgery.

Whatever sun harm you had as a carefree kid will at present reveal itself. You may see age spots and volition need to watch for signs of skin cancer. If you didn't protect your pare when y'all were younger, it's not too late to start. Wear sunscreen of at least 30 SPF every day, and accept a skin cancer check each year. Your skin will probably also experience drier and be hands irritated. An unscented moisturizer (not lotion) tin can help.

If you have to squint when yous read your telephone, that's considering the lenses inside your eyes get stiffer with age. They can no longer chop-chop switch from a faraway focus to an up-close view. Glasses (like "readers" you buy without a prescription) may assistance, or you might need a new vision prescription. The older you become, the more your sight volition change, and so brand certain to get regular heart exams.

The boilerplate age a woman's periods finish for good is 51. As your hormones drop, yous might notice things similar dry skin, hot flashes, and mood swings. Because the lining of your vagina gets thinner and drier, sex could also be painful. If so, talk to your doc. Enough of treatments, from antidepressants to hormone therapy, can assistance. So can lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep and using lubricant during sex.

Yeah, your risk for health issues goes up in middle age, simply certain tests can spot early signs of trouble. These will likely include a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer. Women also need yearly mammograms, along with a Pap smear every 3 years, and men should be screened for prostate and testicular cancer every iii years. If a affliction runs in your family, let your doc know. They may want y'all to have other tests equally well.


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